Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon
Shoulder and Knee Specialist
There are multiple disease processes affecting the achilles tendon close to its insertion to the heel bone
Achilles Tendinosis - Degeneration, not inflammation, of the achilles tendon resulting in pain and disability
Achilles Retrocalcaneal bursitis- An inflammatory process where there is physical mechanical irritation of the bursa in front of the achilles tendon, a very painful process
Achilles Paratenonitis- Inflammation of the lining or covering of the achilles tendon
Insertional Achilles Tendinitis-An inflammatory process of the achilles tendon and the foot bone it inserts. Very painful and often associated with a haglund’s deformity, which is a bony prominence on the foot bone that contributes to pain
80-90% of patients with chronic achilles disorders improve with conservative management
Chronic achilles disorders have numerous causes. The most common causes include
Repetitive loading of the achilles tendon with ankle flexion and extension
Restrictive shoewear
Pain in the back of the heel over the achilles tendon or the heel bone
Restrictive shoe wear due to irritation of the area of pathology
Bony enlargement and pain at the heel bone
Treatment of chronic achilles disorders is highly personalized and numerous factors are taken into consideration including patient age, type of disorder, chronicity of injury, etc.
The first line of treatment usually involves a course of physical therapy and a home exercise program focused on eccentric strengthening and stretching of the achilles tendon
Anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen are oftentimes helpful as an adjunct to other treatments
Heel sleeves and heel pads can decrease pain and swelling
Heel lifts help offload the achilles tendon
Steroid injections are not recommended due to risk of achilles rupture
Chronic achilles tendinopathy that has failed conservative management may be treated with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as there is growing evidence that this may help improve pain and avoid surgery
Surgery is reserved for cases that don’t improve after a course of conservative management if symptoms are significantly affecting activities of daily living and quality of life.
Surgery is reserved for cases that don’t improve after a course of conservative management if symptoms are significantly affecting activities of daily living and quality of life.