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   HIP LABRAL TEAR                                                             KANDIL NOTES


  • The hip labrum is a piece of connective tissue in the hip joint that acts a socket deepener and stabilizer of the hip

  • Any injury to the labrum has the potential to break the suction seal of the hip joint, leading to pain and instability

  • Hip labral tears can occur in patients of all ages

  • More commonly, hip labral tears are found in females

  • Some hip labral tears are asymptomatic and found in otherwise healthy patients with no history of injury or trauma

  • 92%: An MRI Arthrogram is 92% sensitive at detecting hip labral tears


  • Hip labral tears can occur in patients with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), which is caused by repetitive bumping of the hip bone (proximal femur) on the socket (acetabulum)

  • Patients with hip dysplasia are also more likely to have labral tears than the average person

  • Common in active young adults participating in sports, but can occur in any patient regardless of activity level


  • Hip pain and snapping

  • Vague pain in the front of the hip/groin area

  • Pain is usually worse after activity but can also be present at rest


  • Treatment of hip labral tears is centered around a physical therapy and home exercise program focused on stabilization of the muscles around the hip and avoiding positions of impingement

  • Anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen are oftentimes helpful as an adjunct to other treatments

  • Corticosteroid injections can help decrease inflammation often associated with labral tears

  • Surgery is indicated in patients who fail conservative management and consists of arthroscopic labral repair or debridement, depending on type and size of tear


  • The best way to prevent this condition is to avoid repetitive activities that cause hip impingement or instability

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