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 OSGOOD SCHLATTER                              KANDIL NOTES


  • Osgood Schlatter, also known as tibial tubercle apophysitis, is a common condition affecting growing children and adolescents

  • It is characterized by inflammation of the shin bone growth plate

  • This condition is often associated with growth spurts  

  • 25% of Osgood Schlatter’s disease cases occur bilaterally (on both knees)


  • Osgood Schlatter disease is caused by repetitive overload of the patella tendon on the shin bone growth plate

  • Growth plates are weaker than tendons and ligaments and are more vulnerable to injury

  • Common in active adolescents participating in jumping sports, but can occur in any growing child


  • Pain and occasional swelling in the front of the knee over the patellar tendon and the shin bone

  • Tenderness of the shin bone close to the knee

  • May look like a bump or “double knee”

  • Pain is usually worse after activity but can also be present at rest


  • Treatment of Osgood Schlatter disease is centered around a home exercise program focused on eccentric strengthening and stretching of the patellar tendon

  • Anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen are oftentimes helpful as an adjunct to other treatments

  • Knee straps can decrease pain and swelling

  • In refractory cases, a course of leg casting or bracing may be indicated

  • Surgery is only reserved in Osgood Schlatter disease cases that have failed multiple extensive courses of conservative management and only when patients stop growing (skeletally mature)


  • The best way to prevent this condition is to avoid repetitive activities that overload the patellar tendon

Osgood Schlatter capture 1.PNG


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